Homes For Students


Developed utilising a headless architecture to maximise efficiency across a multi-site, single API approach. Our solution enables Homes for Students to let over 40,000 student beds, yearly

Headless Architecture

We wanted to pair the power of the familiar WordPress admin experience with the developer experience, and extensibility of a JAMStack application. We utilised WordPress' REST API to build out a scalable solution where there was a shared codebase driving functionality from the API, exposing data across custom routes and a component based Nuxt front-end to allow for a modular developer experience to make multi-site changes as efficient as possible.

Project Image
Homes for Students API Scatter
Homes for Students Website
Universal Student Living and Prestige Student Living Website
Urban Student Life and Esssential Student Living Webiste

We have proudly supported Homes for Students since 2017 through site iterations, enhancements and technoligical stack decisions to help enable a scalable architechture built for scale

Homes for Students Mobile Website
Homes for Students Desktop Layout