Modern Social Advertising


Image for Modern Social Advertising

Paid social advertising has been one of the most effective ways for brands to reach targeted audiences at scale. For years, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok provided advertisers with precise targeting options based on user behavior, demographics, and interests. Media buying, largely driven by data and algorithms, allowed advertisers to deliver highly personalised ads, resulting in impressive returns on investment.

However, the landscape has dramatically shifted. The introduction of iOS14 and subsequent privacy changes by Apple marked a turning point for digital advertising. With new restrictions on data collection, advertisers are no longer able to track users as effectively, limiting their ability to optimise campaigns based on user insights. This has forced marketers to rethink their strategies and adapt to an environment where data-driven targeting is no longer as effective as it once was.

In this new era, ad creative is becoming the most important factor for success in paid social advertising. No longer can brands rely solely on targeting and media buying algorithms; instead, they must focus on crafting compelling, engaging ads that resonate with audiences, even without the same level of granular data.

How iOS14 and privacy updates have affected data collection.

The introduction of iOS14 by Apple fundamentally disrupted the way advertisers could gather and use data for targeting. Before this update, platforms like Facebook and Instagram provided rich insights into user behavior, allowing advertisers to precisely target their ideal customers. Brands could track conversions, retarget users, and optimise campaigns based on granular details like app activity, website visits, and even purchase history.

However, with the rollout of iOS14 and its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework (you know, that little 'Ask app not to track' button you click every time you see it), users now have the option to opt out of data tracking. As a result, many users have chosen to protect their privacy, severely limiting the amount of data advertisers can collect. This has led to a drop in the effectiveness of media buying strategies that once relied on accurate tracking and targeting.

In addition, the broader trend toward data privacy, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and similar laws in other regions, has compounded the challenges. As these regulations tighten, advertisers are faced with a shrinking pool of actionable data, making it harder to deliver personalised ads to the right audience at the right time.

The consequence is clear: relying on hyper-targeted ads is no longer a guaranteed strategy for success. The precision of media buying and targeting has diminished, leaving brands searching for new ways to make their campaigns effective. In this environment, ad creative has emerged as a crucial factor that can still capture attention and drive engagement, even with limited targeting options.

The shift from data-driven targeting to creative-led campaigns.

With the decline in targeting precision due increased privacy regulations, advertisers have had to shift their focus away from traditional, data-driven strategies. This has led to the rise of creative-first strategies, where the success of a campaign is determined less by audience segmentation and more by the quality and effectiveness of the ad creative itself.

In this new landscape, creative has become the primary lever for driving results. Ads must now stand out in users' feeds without relying on sophisticated targeting algorithms to reach the right people. The quality of the visual content, the message, and the storytelling behind the ad are now key to engaging audiences and inspiring action.

Brands that have successfully adapted to this shift are those that place creativity at the core of their strategy. Instead of relying on the data to do the heavy lifting, they focus on crafting compelling narratives, eye-catching visuals, and emotionally resonant messages. These elements draw people in, build a connection, and drive engagement, regardless of whether the targeting is as sharp as it used to be.

Creative-first strategies also encourage experimentation. Brands are testing a variety of formats to see what resonates best with their audiences. This shift has pushed marketers to become more innovative, using creativity to compensate for the reduced effectiveness of targeted media buying.

Ultimately, in the modern social advertising era, creative has taken center stage. It’s no longer just one element of the campaign; it's the primary driver of success in paid social advertising and the only large knob left to turn with regards to paid ads strategy.

The importance of relevant, attention-grabbing content and creative testing.

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Without relying on precise data-driven targeting, the strength of your creative becomes the primary way to engage potential customers - Let's do a very small case study on the above - as of September 2024, GymShark ($709m in revenue in 2023) have over 1,900 ads running across the Meta advertising platform (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) - 1,900!

Half of these ads might be up for a day, a week or a month - it all depends on performance, and testing. In the absence of precise targeting, brands must use experimentation to fine-tune their ad creative and maximise performance. A/B testing of different creative elements—such as imagery, headlines, calls to action, and formats—allows advertisers to identify what resonates best with their audience. This continuous testing process ensures that the most effective creative is used, driving better engagement, clicks, and conversions.

Testing also allows for flexibility and agility. As trends and audience preferences evolve (think of how quickly the most popular memes can drop off your Instagram feed), brands can quickly adapt their creative to stay relevant. This iterative approach also helps combat ad fatigue by refreshing creative assets, keeping campaigns feeling fresh and engaging for users.

Design principles that work on modern paid social platforms.

Brands must adopt best practices that maximise the impact of their campaigns. Crafting winning ad creative requires a combination of strategy, creativity, and an understanding of platform offerings. Here are some key practices to ensure your ads perform at their best:

Focus on Visual Storytelling

Social media platforms are inherently visual, making storytelling through images or video essential. A well-crafted narrative, even in short-form ads, helps create an emotional connection with the audience. Using engaging visuals to tell a story about your brand, product, or values can draw users in and make your ad memorable.

Leverage Platform-Specific Formats

Each social media platform has its own unique set of formats and user behaviors. What works on Instagram might not perform as well on TikTok or Facebook. It’s important to tailor your creative to the platform. For example, vertical video works well on TikTok, while carousel ads excel on Facebook and Instagram. Understanding the best creative formats for each platform increases the chances of your ads resonating with audiences.

Prioritise Authenticity

In an age where users crave genuine content, authentic creative is more impactful than overly polished ads. Brands that adopt a more relatable tone—whether through behind-the-scenes content, influencer partnerships, or user-generated content—often see stronger engagement. Authenticity helps build trust and creates a more personal connection with viewers.

Use Bold, Attention-Grabbing Elements

With the competition for attention at an all-time high, your ad needs to stand out visually. Use bold colors, clear typography, and striking imagery to capture attention within the first few seconds. Simple, clean designs often outperform cluttered or complex visuals. Always ensure your branding is prominent and recognisable from the get-go.

Keep Messaging Clear and Concise

In the fast-paced environment of social media, users typically engage with content quickly. Ads should communicate their core message immediately. Avoid overly complex copy and focus on a single, clear call to action (CTA). Whether it’s to learn more, shop now, or sign up, the action should be direct and easy to understand.

Test and Iterate Continuously

As previously discussed, regular creative testing is essential. A/B test various elements like headlines, CTAs, and imagery to find out what works best with your audience. Continuously iterate on your creative to keep it fresh, avoiding ad fatigue and maximising engagement.

Appeal to Emotions

Emotional appeal in ad creative—whether through humor, inspiration, or relatability—can significantly increase engagement. Ads that evoke emotions are more likely to be remembered and shared, further increasing their reach and effectiveness.

By following these best practices, brands can create ad creatives that not only capture attention but also drive conversions in the ever-evolving world of paid social advertising.

Conclusion: Thriving in the new world of Social Advertising

As data-driven targeting becomes less reliable, brands are now faced with the challenge—and opportunity—of prioritising ad creative as the central element of their campaigns. The brands that succeed in this new landscape are those that understand the value of compelling, attention-grabbing creative that resonates with audiences on a personal level.

Ad creative is no longer just an afterthought—it’s the driving force behind successful paid social campaigns. By focusing on creative storytelling, embracing continuous testing, and leveraging the latest tools and technologies, brands can overcome the challenges posed by limited targeting and ensure their ads remain impactful and relevant.

As the future of paid social continues to evolve, creative-driven strategies will lead the way. In this new era, adaptability and a commitment to innovative creative approaches are essential for brands to thrive in the ever-changing world of social advertising.